Lenin Tinashe Chisaira's Blog || My life is made up of 3 things: Activism, Traveling & the Marxist Legal Theory || Website: www.leninchisaira.com || Twitter: @LeninChisaira
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Supreme Court anti-labour ruling: Rude awakening for activists and trade unions
Comrades Pride Mkono, Tinashe Chisaira and Munyaradzi Gwisai at a workers demonsrtarion against the 17 July judgement.
The ruling by the full bench of the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe on Friday (17 July 2015) in Don Nyamande and Another v Zuva Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd
has signalled the temporary sorry climax to a spate of direct attacks
on the country’s poor as well as on workplace democracy and any other
slight gains of working class struggles in Zimbabwe.
The ruling comes in a long week scarred by naked butchery of vendor
rights, arrests of the leadership of the National Vendor’s Union of
Zimbabwe (NAVUZ) as well as the perpetual confusing statements on the
kidnapping of Occupy Africa Unity Square activist Itai Dzamara. The
ruling provides a serious yet interesting challenge on all genuine
activists, trade unions and economic justice groups in the country.
A Forgotten History on Labour Rights
There comes a time in each struggle where a certain side wins, or
falls into a historic defeat. As a human rights/economic justice
activist and a law graduate, I am one of the people who were proud of
the progressive nature of Zimbabwean labour laws.
The Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] was a pride of the working
class movements since the days it was spearheaded by then leftist
parliamentarians like Munyaradzi Gwisai. Now the Supreme Court’s ruling
has set to reverse the hard work of illustrious past legislatures
through the mere strokes of a few pens writing on a wooden court bench
carved by the former settler-capitalist economy and currently polished
by our black neo-liberal regime.
To analysts and pro-worker lawyers, the ruling was not surprising. It
has always been an unspoken rule among activist corridors that when it
comes to labour rights and the courts, the higher one goes, the more
likely workers will get sacrificed.
Maybe it is because business and political interests have more to
lose from judiciary decisions at the top of the judiciary food chain
than at the base. We hope it’s not a situation of “In Marikana they use
bullets; here they use the Supreme Court”.
The ruling almost makes a direct mockery of the socio-economic
justice aspirations of our constitution. The constitution has made some
commendable provisions on the right to an just footing between workers
and employers when it comes to working conditions and collective
bargaining over wages, retrenchments and other conditions.
Section 65 (4) of the Constitution of ZimbabweAmendment (No. 20) Act, 2013 provides that “Every employee is entitled to just, equitable and satisfactory conditions of work” and at sub-section (5) (a), “…every employee, employer, trade union, and employers’ organisation has the right to engage in collective bargaining”.
However, even though the Constitution is self-explanatory, the
battle-lines have been drawn. The labour regime is set to become more
fascist and neo-liberal if the body of activists in the country fail to
rise up to the occasion.
Re-Thinking Struggle Alliances and Strategies
Human rights and democracy activists, socio-economic justice groups
and trade unions need to engage in a serious introspection of the work
and services they currently provide, as compared to the real needs,
troubles and aspirations of the peoples and memberships they claim to
It is unfortunate that the lawyer who helped deliver the fatal blow
on labour justice was none other than “Advocate” Nelson Chamisa. The man
seems to forget that he is a beneficiary of a political party that rose
from the grievances and tears of the labour movement, in the name of
the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU).
I am sure the comrades at ZCTU, the Concerned Affiliates and Zimbabwe
National Students Union (ZINASU) and any other serious-minded union are
enraged at the betrayal.
Some, who say the man was only doing his job, need to be reproached
for the absurdity of such ill-reasoning. A similar excuse was surely the
shield for black soldiers who fought on the sides of the Rhodesian Army
and Intelligence and claimed to be “only doing their jobs”.
There is no legitimate excuse in defending a person, lawyer or not,
who burns the midnight candle, perusing over counter-progressive
precedents with the sole intention of defeating “the working class”,
which is the very root of any democratic society.
Like one of my friends, a young leader and worker Lloyd said to me
just yesterday, “The people we look up to and whom we have come to
admire as leaders, have actually sent shock waves across the country,
but for the wrong reasons”
It’s Time!
The ruling and the accompanying attacks on vendors and other
activists call for more than introspection. Activists need to re-think
their strategies and alliances. The Zuva Petroleum (Pvt) Ltd
ruling should not be allowed to be a neo-liberal tombstone that blocks
the way of democrats, workers and human rights activists in their
resolute march towards true economic and social justice. Rather this is
the right time for re-strategising, re-thinking and re-building the
pillars of the movement for human rights and socio-economic justice.
The time calls on genuine human rights, socio-economic justice
activists, labour lawyers and civil society to pick a side because the
battle drums are sounding.
In the words of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, “If you are
neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the
oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you
say you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality”. The Fight is on. It’s time to pick the pro-poor and working class side! Solidarity Forever!
Tinashe Chisaira is the founder of the Progressive Centre for Human Rights and Economic Justice in Zimbabwe, www.projusticezim.org, and tweets at @cdetinashe.
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