On 18 April each year, since 1980, the
Republic of Zimbabwe commemorates its Independence from colonial rule (and from
a racist and fascist Rhodesian regime). The event is characterised by military
parades, mass displays, the President’s speech and a soccer match at the
National Sports Stadium in Harare. In any other county, a similar event would
be characterised by wholesale patriotism. In Zimbabwe the event is mostly
viewed with a partisan. A lot of Zimbabweans do not attend the Independence
festive, rather they merely take advantage of the official designation of 18
April as a public holiday and they rest. The conscious ones willingly boycott the
festive. In boycotting they seek to send a strong message that they are not
complicit in the way the country is being run. To these, boycotting ‘national’
commemorations is a show of newfound patriotism.
Patriotism, itself a not so progressive
concept, relates to a
one’s love or devotion to one’s country. The concept can be observed when
one celebrates the history, trials and triumphs of a nation. Zimbabwe’s dominant
politics if jambajaism and insults results in a divided society based on one’s
political party membership; people from the collective opposition are constantly
denounced as unpatriotic and ‘sell-outs”. This denigration is accompanied by
segregation when it comes to public processes such as Independence Day
It was interesting that the President
Speech at the 2017 Commemoration included the sentence that “every person has
the right to a political; party of their choice”. The statements however remain
hollow to a majority of urban based and working class Zimbabweans who chose to
remain at home.
Indeed there is every justification for
people to boycott national events. This will ensure that future governments and
leaders will learn lessons and ensure that these events are not privatised for
the benefit of a sole political party or class. However these boycotts should
be organised and be pronounced. At the moment, the capacity of the ruling party
to mobilise its supporters, by force or other means, and the resultant
multitudes who attend the commemoration, can cover up the partisan nature of
such commemorations to the untrained eye.
After over three decades of uhuru, Zimbabwe should be a more
democratic, inclusive and participatory society. The fact that even the leader
of the majority opposition party , Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC-T or the
former Vice President Joice Mujuru who has been in government since 1980 until
being purged recently, do not participate in the Independence Day
commemorations, should be worrisome to
any organiser of such events.
As a final word, whilst the people should
not be keen supporters of patriotism, since the concept doesn’t recognise the
reality of class struggles and differences in a given society, the same people
should oppose in every form, the dominance of partisanship and other divisions
during the commemoration of past historic struggles and events such as the War
of liberation, Unity Day, Independence day, Heroes Day and Defence Forces days.
[Lenin Tinashe Chisaira is an activist and lawyer
based in Harare, Zimbabwe. He tweets at @LeninChisaira and is interested in Economic Justice, Human
Rights, Leftist Politics and Environmental Justice. He edits www.africafightnow.org and blogs at cdetinashe.blogspot.com ]