Thursday, 9 May 2013


SEC Meeting at UZ.(L to R)L. Chisaira(VP),M. Haruzivishe
(Acting SG),A. Gumbo(Prez) and K. Murombo(Treasurer)
The SRC Elections which we rightfully called off as the current SRC executive have shown how student politics and student unionism have degenerated into a farce at the University of Zimbabwe. Never in history have we shown so media-hungry student activist, yet who cannot even articulate the basics of student unionism. Each of the four who would have become our Presidential contenders seems to have been on a mission to auction our student union to a disinterested politician who could spoon out resources.

Prostituting to politicians

The candidates have done no lobbying to politicians, instead of mobilizing petitions to the politicians; they have gone under cover of darkness to advertise the potentiality of general elections votes to be milked from our students union. Whilst one cannot shun out alliances between students and certain political interests, one must also not condone the commoditisation of the struggle or the commercialisation of the resistance. Let politicians come to our streets not us going offering our tongues to lick their shoes just because we need money to buy votes.

Vote Buying

The money never came to be used for serious communication and campaigns. NO. The ill-gotten monies got to be used for vote-buying. We are entering a stage where vibrant student activist will be elbowed out by sham pretentious who can just amass funds from politicians at election time. And to some of us who believe were uncompromising unionists, it is a pain to see our union going into such a retrogressive step. I vowed last week that we will stop such sham elections by all means, and we did. Students must condemn vote-0buying.Gone are the days, as one former students leader once said, of “Ululating for breakfast, dancing for lunch and singing for supper!”Let any future SRC candidate remember this.

Who will stand up and save the Students Union?

Time for a genuine person to save the union has come, the time is now. These candidates have broken, at least my heart, as an outgoing student activist and leader. We need to leave in office a credible candidate, an ideologically-strong cadre, an unpolluted, articulate and courageous character. In the spirit of democracy and freedom of expression, I will make my pick from across campus of people I consider to be credible people; Let one of these stand up and save the union: Tawanda Moyo(Engineering),Gift Tatz Maposah (Arts),Raymond Sango(Arts),Gilbert Mtubuki(Social Studies),Patience Sibanda(Social Studies),Thamsanga Ndlovu(Law),Valen(Law) and Chikomborero Mumba(Law),Womberai Nhende(Commerce).these are the men and women who can save the union from predators currently selling out and embarrassing us on the national media. At least that what I think. Finally, I am an atheist, but this verse from the Bible says much about my nominees: Cometh the hour, cometh the man, John 4:2.




Sunday, 5 May 2013


SRC Presidium (L to R)Lenin Chisaira and Agency Gumbo

It is with great displeasure that the Students Union, democratically represented in the SRC and Student Executive Council (SEC), has taken this time to communicate its concerns regarding the running of the SRC Elections 2013.The current SRC Presidium consisting of Cdes Lenin Chisaira(Vice President) and Cdes Agency Gumbo(President) have since written the following concerns to the administration.

Background and Concerns

The Nomination Courts for this election met on the 12th of April 2013(for Student Representative Assembly (SRA) candidates) and the 19th of April 2013 (for Student Executive Council candidates). Candidates were vetted and approved by the Electoral Commission (EC), with SRA elections subsequently and smoothly taking place on the 23rd of April with approved candidates.

The EC met again on the 19th of April and approved candidates for SEC elections set for the 30th April 2013.Then the whole nation saw the President endorsing a ZICOSU candidate Charles Munganasa on ZTV (Newshour 29th April 2013) and in the front page of The Herald of 30th April 2013.The student is not an SRC leader and for him to speak on behalf of UZ students was scandalous, fraudulent and defamatory to say the least. However to our utter dismay; late at night on the eve of the election certain notices appeared purporting to postpone the elections for logistical reasons. And on the 30th the Dean of Students, Mr Munyaradzi Madambi disqualified 15 SEC Candidates including the Zinasu Presidential candidate Kokerai Murombo. He had no authority in terms of both the University of Zimbabwe Act and the Students Union Constitution. Hence a meeting with the Dean was held on the 2nd of May 2013 and it was reiterated that the Students Union had grave concerns over the Students Affairs Dept’s unfortunate interference as well as ZANU PF’s and whoever else’s involvement in the University of Zimbabwe Students Union business. Unfortunately also since these unnecessary and mischievous interferences we have seen harassment of students aligned to Zinasu. A female student was detained at Avondale Police Station, another was detained at the Security Control Room and taunted over pictures that exposed security tearing off Zinasu posters as well as harassing Zinasu candidates but leaving Zicosu posters untouched or even releasing Zicosu candidates when taken over by junior security officials, these pictures are in the possession of the SRC as well as videos of ZanuPf youth being allowed free reign to address students in the Students UNION Building without the authority of the current SRC. The message from student activists and leaders must be very clear. Hands of our Students Union! Hands of our SRC elections. Solidarity Forever.